Connecting to the Database


In addition to using the Oracle Database XE graphical user interface to work with the database, you can use the set of command-line utilities that come with Oracle Database XE. Table: Oracle Database XE Command-Line Utilities lists these utilities. To use these utilities, you must understand how to connect to the database with them.

Oracle Database XE Command-Line Utilities

Utility Purpose See Also

SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus)

Administer the database; create, alter and drop database objects; run SQL queries; and run SQL and PL/SQL scripts.

"Using SQL Command Line" in Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Developer Guide

Data Pump

Export and import data from one Oracle database to another.

"Importing, Exporting, Loading, and Unloading Data"

Import and Export

Export and import data from one Oracle database to another.

"Importing, Exporting, Loading, and Unloading Data"


Bulk-load data into the database from external files.

"Importing, Exporting, Loading, and Unloading Data"

Although connection concepts apply to all utilities, this section focuses on SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus), because you use it for database administration. The following topics are covered:

See Also:

The following documents, for information on how to connect to the database from your application: