Logging In as an Administrator


There are three ways to log in to Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) to perform administrative tasks:

Table: Database Administrator Login Methods provides information about each of these login methods.

Database Administrator Login Methods

Login Method Permitted In Notes See

Log in to the database as user SYSTEM

The Oracle Database XE graphical user interface and SQL Command Line

For routine administrative tasks like managing memory and managing users. You must supply the password for the SYSTEM user.

"Logging In as User SYSTEM"

Log in to the database as a user who has been granted the DBA role

The Oracle Database XE graphical user interface and SQL Command Line

For routine administrative tasks like managing users. An administrator must first grant the DBA role to the user.

"Logging In as a User with the DBA Role"

Log in and connect to the database as SYSDBA

SQL Command Line

For high-level administrative tasks like starting up and shutting down the database, and changing the SYS password. You can connect as SYSDBA using the SYS user name and password, or using operating system authentication.

"Logging In and Connecting to the Database as SYSDBA"