Oracle Data Provider for .NET


Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) provides data access for client applications from within Oracle Database XE. Oracle Data Provider for .NET is an implementation of a .NET data provider for Oracle Database, using and inheriting from classes and interfaces available in the Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library.

Following the .NET Framework, ODP.NET uses the ADO.NET model, which enables native providers to expose provider-specific features and datatypes. This is similar to Oracle Provider for OLE DB, where ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) provides an automation layer that exposes a programming model. ADO.NET provides a similar programming model, but without the automation layer for better performance. ODP.NET uses Oracle native APIs to access Oracle data and features from any .NET application.

See Also:

Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide for information about application development with Oracle Database XE in Microsoft .NET