Creating Packages With the SQL CREATE PACKAGE Statement


To create packages, use the SQL CREATE PACKAGE and CREATE PACKAGE BODY statements. You can use these SQL statements in the SQL Commands page, the Script Editor page, the Object Browser page, or SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus). In Example: Creating a Package Specification and Example: Creating a Package Body, the OR REPLACE option is used so that you can update an existing package without having to first drop the package.

In Example: Creating a Package Specification, the emp_actions package specification contains two procedures that update the employees table and one function that provides information. The package specification provides the declaration of the subprograms. The package body provides the contents of the subprograms.

Creating a Package Specification

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_actions AS  -- package specification
  PROCEDURE hire_employee (lastname VARCHAR2, 
    firstname VARCHAR2, email VARCHAR2, phoneno VARCHAR2,
    hiredate DATE, jobid VARCHAR2, sal NUMBER, commpct NUMBER,
    mgrid NUMBER, deptid NUMBER);
  PROCEDURE remove_employee (empid NUMBER);
  FUNCTION emp_sal_ranking (empid NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
END emp_actions;

In Example: Creating a Package Body, the emp_actions package body is created. The package body provides the contents of the subprograms in the package specification.

Creating a Package Body

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY emp_actions AS  -- package body

-- code for procedure hire_employee, which adds a new employee
  PROCEDURE hire_employee (lastname VARCHAR2,
    firstname VARCHAR2, email VARCHAR2, phoneno VARCHAR2, hiredate DATE,
    jobid VARCHAR2, sal NUMBER, commpct NUMBER, mgrid NUMBER, deptid NUMBER) IS
    min_sal    employees.salary%TYPE; -- variable to hold minimum salary for jobid
    max_sal    employees.salary%TYPE; -- variable to hold maximum salary for jobid
    seq_value  NUMBER;  -- variable to hold next sequence value
    -- get the next sequence number in the employees_seq sequence
    SELECT employees_seq.NEXTVAL INTO seq_value FROM DUAL;
    -- use the next sequence number for the new employee_id
    INSERT INTO employees VALUES (seq_value, lastname, firstname, email,
     phoneno, hiredate, jobid, sal, commpct, mgrid, deptid);
     SELECT min_salary INTO min_sal FROM jobs WHERE job_id = jobid;
     SELECT max_salary INTO max_sal FROM jobs WHERE job_id = jobid;
     IF sal > max_sal THEN
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Warning: ' || TO_CHAR(sal) 
                 || ' is greater than the maximum salary '
                 || TO_CHAR(max_sal) || ' for the job classification ' || jobid );
     ELSIF sal < min_sal THEN
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Warning: ' || TO_CHAR(sal) 
                 || ' is less than the minimum salary '
                 || TO_CHAR(min_sal) || ' for the job classification ' || jobid );
     END IF;
  END hire_employee;

-- code for procedure remove_employee, which removes an existing employee
  PROCEDURE remove_employee (empid NUMBER) IS
     firstname employees.first_name%TYPE;
     lastname  employees.last_name%TYPE;
    SELECT first_name, last_name INTO firstname, lastname FROM employees 
      WHERE employee_id = empid;
    DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = empid;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee: ' || TO_CHAR(empid) || ', ' 
                      || firstname || ', ' || lastname || ' has been deleted.');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee ID: ' || TO_CHAR(empid) || ' not found.');
  END remove_employee;

-- code for function emp_sal_ranking, which calculates the salary ranking of the
-- employee based on the minimum and maximum salaries for the job category
  FUNCTION emp_sal_ranking (empid NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
    minsal        employees.salary%TYPE; -- declare a variable same as salary
    maxsal        employees.salary%TYPE; -- declare a variable same as salary
    jobid         employees.job_id%TYPE; -- declare a variable same as job_id
    sal           employees.salary%TYPE; -- declare a variable same as salary
-- retrieve the jobid and salary for the specific employee ID
    SELECT job_id, salary INTO jobid, sal FROM employees 
       WHERE employee_id = empid;
-- retrieve the minimum and maximum salaries for the job ID
    SELECT min_salary, max_salary INTO minsal, maxsal FROM jobs
       WHERE job_id = jobid;
-- return the ranking as a decimal, based on the following calculation
    RETURN ((sal - minsal)/(maxsal - minsal));
  END emp_sal_ranking;
END emp_actions;

-- the following BEGIN..END block calls, or executes, the emp_sal_ranking
-- function in the emp_actions package with an argument value
  empid NUMBER := 163; -- use a test value for the employee_id
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('The salary ranking for employee ' || empid || ' is: ' 
                       || ROUND(emp_actions.emp_sal_ranking(empid),2) );

The output of the PL/SQL block is similar to:

The salary ranking for employee 163 is: .58

Note that the function result for employee 163 is different from the result for Example: Creating a Stored Function That Returns a Number. While the functions have the same function name (emp_sal_ranking), they are not the same function. The function in the package is identified by the package name prefix, as in emp_actions.emp_sal_ranking.

For methods on calling subprograms in a package, see "Calling a Subprogram in a Package".