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Overview of Some Useful Packages |
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This section provides a summary of some useful packages.
This section contains the following topics:
package enables you to display output from PL/SQL blocks, subprograms, packages, and triggers. This package is especially useful for displaying PL/SQL debugging information. The PUT_LINE
procedure outputs information to a buffer that can be read by another trigger, procedure, or package. You display the information by calling the GET_LINE
procedure or by setting the SERVEROUTPUT
setting in SQL Command Line.
For more information, see "Inputting and Outputting Data with PL/SQL". For examples of the use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE
, see Example: Creating a Simple Stored Procedure, Example: Creating a Stored Procedure That Uses Parameters, and Example: Creating a Stored Procedure With the AUTHID Clause.
See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about theDBMS_OUTPUT packages |
package provides a built-in random number generator. DBMS_RANDOM
can be explicitly initialized, but does not need to be initialized before calling the random number generator. It will automatically initialize with the date, userid, and process id if no explicit initialization is performed.
If this package is seeded twice with the same seed, then accessed in the same way, it will produce the same results in both cases.
function can be called with no parameters to return a random number, greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, with 38 digits to the right of the decimal (38-digit precision). Alternatively, you can call the function with low and high parameters to return a random number which is greater than or equal to the low parameter and less than high parameter.
Example: Using the DBMS_RANDOM Package shows the use of the DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE
function to return random numbers from 1 ton 100. The random numbers are truncated to integer values and stored in an array.
Using the DBMS_RANDOM Package
DECLARE -- declare an array type with 10 elements of NUMBER TYPE random_array IS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER; random_numbers random_array; j NUMBER; BEGIN random_numbers := random_array(); -- initialize the array FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP -- add an element to the array random_numbers.EXTEND(1); -- insert a random number in the next element in the array random_numbers(i) := TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(1,101)); j := 1; -- make sure the random number is not already in the array -- if it is, generated a new random number and check again WHILE j < random_numbers.LAST LOOP IF random_numbers(i) = random_numbers(j) THEN random_numbers(i) := TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(1,101)); j := 1; ELSE j := j + 1; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- display the random numbers in the array FOR k IN random_numbers.FIRST..random_numbers.LAST LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(random_numbers(k)); END LOOP; END; /
See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about theDBMS_RANDOM packages |
With the HTP
package, you can create a Web page using HTP
hypertext procedures to generate HTML tags. For example the procedure HTP.PARA
generates the <P>
paragraph tag and HTP.ANCHOR
generates the <A>
anchor tag. You can also use HTP.PRINT
to explicit print HTML tags.
Note that for nearly every HTP
procedure that generates one or more HTML tags, there is a corresponding HTF
package hypertext function with identical parameters.
Example: Using HTP Print Procedure is a modification of Example: Passing Parameters to a Cursor in PL/SQL using the HTP.PRINT
procedure. For each DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE
in the original example, an HTP.PRINT
has been substituted in the modified example.
Using HTP Print Procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE htp_yearly_bonus AS -- declare variables for data fetched from cursor empid employees.employee_id%TYPE; -- variable for employee_id hiredate employees.hire_date%TYPE; -- variable for hire_date firstname employees.first_name%TYPE; -- variable for first_name lastname employees.last_name%TYPE; -- variable for last_name rowcount NUMBER; bonusamount NUMBER; yearsworked NUMBER; -- declare the cursor with a parameter CURSOR cursor1 (thismonth NUMBER)IS SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM hire_date) = thismonth; BEGIN HTP.PRINT('<html>'); -- HTML open HTP.PRINT('<head>'); -- HEAD open HTP.PRINT('<title>Using the HTP Package</title>'); -- title line HTP.PRINT('</head>'); -- HEAD close HTP.PRINT('<body TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">') ; -- BODY open -- open and pass a parameter to cursor1, select employees hired on this month OPEN cursor1(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM SYSDATE)); HTP.PRINT('<h1>----- Today is ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DL') || ' -----</h1>'); HTP.PRINT('<p>Employees with yearly bonus amounts:</p>'); HTP.PRINT('<pre>'); -- insert the preformat tag LOOP -- fetches 4 columns into variables FETCH cursor1 INTO empid, firstname, lastname, hiredate; -- check the cursor attribute NOTFOUND for the end of data EXIT WHEN cursor1%NOTFOUND; -- calculate the yearly bonus amount based on months (years) worked yearsworked := ROUND( (MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE, hiredate)/12) ); IF yearsworked > 10 THEN bonusamount := 2000; ELSIF yearsworked > 8 THEN bonusamount := 1600; ELSIF yearsworked > 6 THEN bonusamount := 1200; ELSIF yearsworked > 4 THEN bonusamount := 800; ELSIF yearsworked > 2 THEN bonusamount := 400; ELSIF yearsworked > 0 THEN bonusamount := 100; END IF; -- display the employee Id, first name, last name, hire date, and bonus -- for each record (row) fetched HTP.PRINT( empid || ' ' || RPAD(firstname, 21, ' ') || RPAD(lastname, 26, ' ') || hiredate || TO_CHAR(bonusamount, '$9,999')); END LOOP; HTP.PRINT('</pre>'); -- end the preformat tag rowcount := cursor1%ROWCOUNT; HTP.PRINT('<p>The number of rows fetched is ' || rowcount || '</p>'); CLOSE cursor1; HTP.PRINT('</body>'); -- BODY close HTP.PRINT('</html>'); -- HTML close END; /
See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about theHTP packages |
package enables PL/SQL programs to read and write operating system (OS) text files. It provides a restricted version of standard OS stream file I/O, including open, put, get, and close operations. When you want to read or write a text file, you call the FOPEN
function, which returns a file handle for use in subsequent procedure calls. When opening a file with FOPEN
, the file can be opened in append (A
), read (R
), or write (W
) mode. After a file is opened, you can use UTL_FULE
procedures such as PUT_LINE
to write a text string and line terminator to an open file and GET_LINE
to read a line of text from an open file into an output buffer.
Before a user can run UTL_FILE
procedures, there must be an accessible directory for the user to read and write files. As the user SYSTEM
(or SYS
), you need to run the SQL CREATE
statement to set up an accessible directory and run the SQL GRANT
statement to grant privileges to that directory. Example: Setting up a Directory for Use With UTL_FILE shows how to set up an existing directory and grant the HR
user access to that directory.
Setting up a Directory for Use With UTL_FILE
-- first connect as SYSTEM to run the SQL statements on the directory -- when you run the following to connect as SYSTEM, use your password for SYSTEM CONNECT SYSTEM/ORACLE -- the following sets up directory access for /tmp on a Linux platform CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY temp_dir AS '/tmp'; -- you could use 'c:\temp' for temp_dir on a Windows platform, note that -- c:\temp must exist on the Windows computer -- the following grants the user read and write access to the directory GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY temp_dir TO HR; -- now connect as user HR/HR to check directory setup -- when you connect as HR, use your password for HR CONNECT HR/HR -- the following SELECT query lists information about all directories that -- have been set up for the user SELECT * FROM ALL_DIRECTORIES; -- if TEMP_DIR is listed, then you are ready to run UTL_FILE procedures as HR
After the SQL statements in Example: Setting up a Directory for Use With UTL_FILE are executed, you can connect as the user HR
and run UTL_FILE
procedures. Some simple examples are shown in Example: Using the UTL_FILE Package.
Using the UTL_FILE Package
-- connect as user HR and run UTL_FILE procedures DECLARE string1 VARCHAR2(32767); file1 UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; BEGIN file1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('TEMP_DIR','log_file_test','A'); -- open in append mode string1 := TO_CHAR(SYSDATE) || ' UTL_FILE test'; UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file1, string1); -- write a string to the file UTL_FILE.FFLUSH(file1); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE_ALL; -- close all open files END; / DECLARE string1 VARCHAR2(32767); file1 UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; BEGIN file1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('TEMP_DIR','log_file_test','R'); -- open in read mode UTL_FILE.GET_LINE(file1, string1, 32767); -- read a string from the file DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(string1); -- display the string UTL_FILE.FCLOSE_ALL; -- close all open files END; /
See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about theUTL_FILE packages |