Using a Process to Implement Background PL/SQL


The simplest way to implement the HTMLDB_PLSQL_JOB package is to create a page process that specifies the process type PLSQL DBMS JOB. By selecting this process type, Application Builder will submit the PL/SQL code you specify as a job. Because you are not calling the function directly, you can use the APP_JOB built-in substitution item to determine the job number of any jobs you submit.

The following example runs a PL/SQL job in the background for testing and explanation:

001  BEGIN
002    FOR i IN 1 .. 100 LOOP
003      INSERT INTO emp(a,b) VALUES (:APP_JOB,i);
004      IF MOD(i,10) = 0 THEN
006          P_JOB     => :APP_JOB,
007          P_STATUS  => i || 'rows inserted');
008      END IF;
009      HTMLDB_UTIL.PAUSE(2);
010    END LOOP;
011  END;

In this example, note that: