Adding Members to a Collection


When data elements (or members) are added to a collection, they are assigned a unique sequence ID. As you add members to a collection, the sequence ID will change in increments of 1, with the newest members having the largest ID.

You add new members to a collection using the ADD_MEMBER function. Calling this function returns the sequence ID of the newly added member. The following example demonstrates how to use the ADD_MEMBER function.

    p_collection_name => collection name,
    p_c001          => [member attribute 1],
    p_c002          => [member attribute 2],
    p_c003          => [member attribute 3],
    p_c004          => [member attribute 4],
    p_c005          => [member attribute 5],
    p_c006          => [member attribute 6],
    p_c007          => [member attribute 7],
    p_c050          => [member attribute 50]);
    p_clob001       => [CLOB member attribute 1],
    p_generate_md5  => YES or NO);    

You can also add new members (or an array of members) to a collection using the ADD_MEMBERS method, for example:

    p_collection_name => collection name,
    p_c001          => member attribute array 1,
    p_c002          => member attribute array 2,
    p_c003          => member attribute array 3,
    p_c004          => member attribute array 4,
    p_c005          => member attribute array 5,
    p_c006          => member attribute array 6,
    p_c007          => member attribute array 7,
    p_c050          => member attribute array 50);
    p_generate_md5  => YES or NO);

This method raises an error if the specified collection does not exist with the specified name of the current user and in the same session. Also any attribute exceeding 4,000 characters will be truncated to 4,000 characters. The number of members added is based on the number of elements in the first array.

About the Parameters p_generate_md5 and p_clob001

Use the p_generate_md5 flag to specify if the message digest of the data of the collection member should be computed. By default, this flag is set to NO. Use this parameter to check the MD5 of the collection member (that is, compare it with another member or see if a member has changed).

Use p_clob001 for collection member attributes which exceed 4,000 characters.

See Also:

"Determining Collection Status" for information about using the function GET_MEMBER_MD5