Configuring Standard Application Attributes


Standard Application Attributes display on the Edit Application Attributes page. You use these attributes to control the application name and availability as well as defined substitution strings. Additionally, the Edit Application Attributes page displays defined build options, the associated theme, template defaults, and component defaults. Required values are marked with a red asterisk (*).


Accessing the Edit Application Attributes Page

To edit application attributes:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select an application.

  3. Click Edit Attributes.

    The Application Attributes page appears.

  4. Click Edit Standard Attributes.

    The Edit Application Attributes page appears.

Editing Application Attributes

The following sections describe the attributes available on the Edit Application Attributes page.



Use Name to define basic characteristics of your application, including the application name, an optional alphanumeric alias, a version number, and the application owner. Table: Application Definition Attributes describes all Name attributes.

Application Definition Attributes

Attribute Description


Provides a short descriptive name for the application to distinguish it from other applications in your development environment.

Application Alias

Assigns an alternate alphanumeric application identifier. You can use this identifier in place of the application ID.For example, suppose you create an alias of myapp for application 105. Using f?p syntax, you could call application 105 as either:

  • f?p=105:1

  • f?p=myapp:1


Includes the application's version number on a page. You can also automatically tie the version to the date of last modification using the following format masks:




If your application version uses YYYY.MM.DD then Application Builder replaces this format mask with the date of last modification of any application attribute.

Image Prefix

Determines the virtual path the Web server uses to point to the images directory distributed with Application Builder. During installation, the virtual path is configured as /i/.

When embedding an image in static text (for example, in page or region headers or footers) you can reference an image using the substitution string #IMAGE_PREFIX#. For example, to reference the image go.gif you would use the following syntax:

<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#go.gif">

See Also: "IMAGE_PREFIX", "Managing Images", and "Referencing Images"

Proxy Server

Use this field to specify a proxy server.

For example, you may require a proxy server when using a region source type of URL. The URL region source embeds the results of the URL (that is, the page returned by navigating to the URL) as the region source. If you use a firewall and the target of a URL is outside the firewall relative to Application Builder, you may need to specify a proxy server.

You can reference values entered into this field from PL/SQL using the PL/SQL package variable HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_PROXY_SERVER.


Determines whether or not user activity is recorded in the Oracle Application Express activity log. When set to Yes, every page view will be logged, allowing an administrator to monitor user activity for each application.

Disabling logging may be advisable for high volume applications.

Parsing Schema

Specifies the schema that all SQL and PL/SQL in the application will be parsed as. You may use #OWNER# to reference this value in SQL queries and PL/SQL (for example, in a region or a process).

Exact Substitutions

Select whether or not only exact substitutions will be supported. For optimal run-time performance, it is recommended you use exact substitutions.

Exact substitutions use the following sytnax:


Non-exact substitutions use the following sytnax:



Use Availability attributes to manage your application by defining an application status and build status. For example, if you select the status Restricted Access, you can specify which users have access and can run the application. Table: Application Availability Attributes describes these attributes.

Application Availability Attributes

Attribute Description


Specifies whether or not the application is available or unavailable for use. Options include:

  • Available - Application is available with no restrictions.

  • Available with Edit Links - Application is available for use. For developers, the Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of each page. Requires the developer to be logged in to the Application Builder in the same browser session.

  • Available to Developers Only - Application is available to users having developer privileges.

  • Restricted Access - Application is available to developers named in Restrict to comma separated user list.

  • Unavailable - Application cannot be run or edited. The message in Message for unavailable application displays. when users attempt to access the application.

  • Unavailable (Status Shown with PL/SQL) - Application cannot be run or edited.

  • Unavailable (Redirect to URL) - Application cannot be run. The user is linked to the URL entered in Message for unavailable application.

Build Status

Identifies the build status of the current application:

  • Run and Build Application - Developers can both run and develop the application.

  • Run Application Only - Developers can only run the application.

Message for unavailable application

If you set Status to Unavailable, Unavailable (Status Shown with PL/SQL), or Unavailable (Redirect to URL), the text you enter in this attribute displays. If you set Status to Available, the text you enter in this attribute does not display.

Restrict to comma separated user list (Status must equal Restricted Access)

Use this attribute in conjunction with the Status Restricted Access. If you set Status to Restricted Access, only the users listed in this attribute can run the application. To use this attribute:

  1. From the Status list, select Restricted Access.

  2. Enter a comma-delimited list of users who can run the application in the field provided.

Global Notifications

You can use the Global Notifications attribute to communicate system status to application users. For example, you can use this attribute to notify users of scheduled downtime, or communicate other messages regarding application availability. If the page templates used in your application contain the #GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION# substitution string, the text entered here will display in that string's place.

To create a global notification:

  1. Include the #GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION# substitution string in your page template.

  2. Navigate to the Edit Application Attributes page and enter a message in the Global Notifications attribute.

  3. Click Apply Changes.


Use these fields to define static substitution strings for your application. You can use static substitution string for phrases or labels that occur in many places within an application. Defining static substitution strings centrally enables you to change text strings in multiple places in your application by making a single change to the Substitution Value defined on this page.


Use these attributes to identify an image to be used as the logo for this application.

In Image, identify the image preceded by the prefix identified in the Image Prefix attribute. The Image Prefix attribute determines the virtual path the Web server uses to point to the images directory distributed with Application Builder. The following example, includes the default prefix /i/:


If you specify an image in the Image attribute and include the #LOGO# substitution string in your page template, the Application Express engine generates an image tag. Use Logo Image Attributes to specify image attributes for the logo image. For example:

width="100" height="20" alt="Company Logo"

Build Options

Displays existing build options. Most application attributes have a build option attribute. Do not specify a build option unless you plan to exclude that object from specific installations. Build Options have two possible values: INCLUDE and EXCLUDE. If you specify an attribute to be included, then the Application Express engine considers it at run time. However, if you specify an attribute to be excluded, then the Application Express engine treats it as if it does not exist.


Displays the current theme applied to the application. Themes are collections of templates that can be used to define the layout and style of an entire application. Each theme provides a complete set of templates that accommodate every user interface pattern that may be needed in an application.

Template Defaults

Template Defaults list the default templates for this application. To specify a new template at the application level, you can either:

  • Select a new theme

  • Select a new default page template on the Define Theme page

You can also override this default by making a selection from the Page Template list on the Page Attributes page.

Table: Application Template Defaults Attributes describes template defaults for the current application.

Application Template Defaults Attributes

Attribute Description

Default Page Template

Indicates the default page template to display pages. You can override this selection by making a selection from the Page Template list on the Page Attributes page.

See Also: "Editing Page Attributes"

Print Mode Page Template

Identifies the template to be used when the Application Express engine is in printer friendly mode.

When calling the Application Express engine to render a page, you have the option to specify whether or not the page should be displayed using the Print Mode Page Template specified.

If you specify Yes, then the page displays using a printer friendly template. The Application Express engine displays all text within HTML Form Fields as text. The printer friendly template does not need to have the #FORM_OPEN# or #FORM_CLOSE# substitution string.

See Also: "Optimizing a Page for Printing"

Error Page Template

Optional. Specifies a page template to use for errors that display on a separate page, as opposed to those that display inline.

Component Defaults

Component Defaults identify default templates used when running wizards. You can override these settings on the attributes page for each control or component. Table: Component Defaults describes component defaults for the current application.

Component Defaults

Attribute Description


Default calendar template used when you create a new calendar.


Default label template used when you create new page items.


Default report template used when you create new report.


Default template used when you create a list.


Default template used when you create a breadcrumb.


Default template to be used when you create new buttons that are template controlled.


Default region template used when you create a new region.

Chart Region

Default region template used when you create a chart.

Form Region

Default region template used when you create a form.

Report Region

Default region template used when you create a report.

Tabular Form Region

Default region template used when you create a tabular form.

Wizard Region

Default region template used when you create a new wizard component.

Breadcrumb Region

Default region template used when you create a new breadcrumb.

List Region

Default region template used when you create a new list.