Installing a Demonstration Application


Application Builder includes a number of demonstration applications you can install. Use these applications to learn more about the different types of functionality you can include in your applications.

To install the demonstration applications:

  1. From the Database Home Page, click the down arrow on the right side of the Application Builder icon.

  2. From the menu, select Demonstrations.

    The Demonstration Applications page appears, displaying the following applications:

    • Sample Application offers a working demonstration that highlights basic design concepts.

    • Collection Showcase demonstrates shopping cart concepts.

    • Web Services serves as an example of how you can use Web Services.

  3. To install a demonstration application, scroll down to the application you want to install and click Install.

    Installed appears in the Status column.

  4. To edit an installed demonstration application, click Edit.

  5. To run an installed demonstration application, click Run.

  6. To reinstall a demonstration application, click Re-Install.


Alternatively, you can access the demonstration applications page running the Create Application Wizard.