Browsing a Function


To view a function in Object Browser:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the Object Browser icon.

    Object Browser appears.

  2. From the Object list, select Functions.

  3. From the Object Selection pane, select a function.

    The Code view appears. You can copy the code in this view for use in other tools.

Summary of Available Views

Click the tabs at the top of the page to view different reports about the function. Table: Available Views for Functions describes all available views.

Available Views for Functions

View Description


(Default) Displays the source code for the function. You can copy the code in this view for use in other tools. Actions you can perform in this view include:

  • Edit

  • Compile

  • Download

  • Drop

  • Find

See Also: "Editing a Function", "Compiling a Function", "Downloading a Function", and "Dropping a Function"


Displays objects that use (or depend) on the current function and objects the function depends on.


Displays errors related to the current function.


Lists details of grants for the current function, including privilege, grantee, grantable, grantor, and object name.