Attaching an Authorization Scheme to an Application, Page, or Components


Once you have created an authorization scheme you can attach it to an entire application, page, control, or component.


Attaching an Authorization Scheme to an Application

To attach an authorization scheme to an application:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select an application.

  3. Click the Edit Attributes icon.

    The Application Attributes page appears.

  4. Click the Edit Security Attributes icon.

  5. Scroll down to Authorization and make a selection from the Authorization Scheme list.

Attaching an Authorization Scheme to a Page

To attach an authorization scheme to a page:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select an application.

  3. Select a page.

  4. Click Edit Attributes.

  5. Scroll down to Security and make a selection from the Authorization Scheme list.

Attaching an Authorization Scheme to a Control or Component

To attach an authorization scheme to a page component or control:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. Select an application.

  3. Select a page.

  4. Click the name of the component or control to which you want to apply the authorization scheme.

  5. Scroll down to Security and make a selection from the Authorization Scheme list.