Executing a SQL Script from the SQL Scripts Page


To execute a script from the SQL Scripts page:

  1. On the Database Home Page, click the SQL icon.

  2. Click the SQL Scripts icon.

    The SQL Scripts page appears. Change the page view to Details.

  3. From the View list, select Details and click Go.

    Details view appears.

  4. Click the Run icon for the script you want to execute. The Run icon is located on the far right side adjacent to the script name.

  5. The Run Script page appears.

    The Run Script page displays information about the script and lists statements in error preventing execution, or statements such as SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus) commands that will be ignored when the script is executed. The Run Script page has three controls:

    Cancel to return to the SQL Scripts page without executing the script.

    Edit Script to load the script into the Script Editor. Edit Script appears instead of Run when a script has errors.

    Run to submit the script for execution. Run is not available for scripts with errors.

  6. Click Run to submit the script for execution.

    The Manage Script Results page appears listing available results for the script.

  7. Click the View icon for the results you want to view. The View icon is at the right end of the scripts listed in the Manage Script Results page.