List Templates


A list is a shared collection of links. You control the appearance of a list through list templates. Using template attributes, you can also define a list element to be either current or non current for a specific page.

About Hierarchical Lists

Oracle Application Express supports hierarchical lists. To create a hierarchical list, you must:

See Also:

  • Online Help for information about using specific sections of the Edit List Template page

  • "Creating Lists"

List Template Attributes

This section describes specific sections of the List Template page.

Template Identification

Name identifies the name of the template. Use the Translatable check box to indicate that the template contains text strings that require translation. Theme indicates the theme to which the template is a member.

Template Class identifies a specific use for the template. When you switch to a new theme, all templates in one theme are mapped to corresponding templates in another theme. Application Builder accomplishes this template mapping through the assignment of a template class.

Template Subscription

Use Template Subscription to apply an existing template to the current application. When you select an existing template, you become a subscriber to that template.

To load a new copy of a master template, click Refresh.

Before List Elements

Enter HTML that displays before any list elements. You can use this attribute to open an HTML table or HTML table row.

List Element Display

Defines current and noncurrent list templates. Supported substitution strings include #LINK#, #TEXT#, #IMAGE_PREFIX#, #IMAGE#, #IMAGE_ATTR#, and #A01# to #A10#.

  • List Template Current. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the selected (or current) list template.

  • List Template Current with Sub List Items. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the selected (or current) list template when an item has sublist items. If not specified, the current list item template will be used.

  • List Template Noncurrent. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the unselected (or noncurrent) list template.

  • List Template Noncurrent with Sub List Items. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the unselected (or noncurrent) list template used when an item has sublist items. If not specified, the current list item template will be used.

  • Between List Elements. Enter HTML that displays between list elements. This attribute will be ignored if no HTML is specified.

Before Sub List Elements

Enter HTML that displays before any sublist elements.

Sub List Elements

Defines current and noncurrent list templates. Supported substitution strings include #LINK#, #TEXT#, #IMAGE_PREFIX#, #IMAGE#, #IMAGE_ATTR#, and #A01# to #A10#.

  • Sub List Template Current. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the selected (or current) list template.

  • Sub List Template Current with Sub List Items. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the selected (or current) list template when an item has sublist items. If not specified, the current list item template will be used.

  • Sub List Template Noncurrent. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the unselected (or noncurrent) list template.

  • Sub List Template Noncurrent with Sub List Items. Enter HTML or text to be substituted for the unselected (or noncurrent) list template used when an item has sublist items. If not specified, the current list item template will be used.

  • Between Sub List Elements. Enter HTML that displays between list elements. This attribute will be ignored if no HTML is specified.

After Sub List Elements

Enter HTML that displays after displaying sublist elements.

After List Elements

Enter HTML that displays after displaying all list elements. You can use this attribute to close a HTML table opened in the Before List Elements attribute.


Use this attribute to record developer comments.