Controlling Report Pagination


You control report pagination by:

You control how pagination displays by making selections from the Layout and Pagination attributes on the Report Attributes page.

To access the Layout and Pagination section of the Report Attributes page:

  1. Create a report. See "Creating a Report Using a Wizard".

  2. Under Regions, click the appropriate report attributes link (Report or RPT).

    The Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Scroll down to Layout and Pagination.

    You use the Layout and Pagination attributes to select a pagination style, determine where pagination displays, and specify the number of rows that display on each page. Table: Layout and Pagination Attributes describes the most commonly used Layout and Pagination attributes.

Layout and Pagination Attributes

Attribute Description

Report Template

Specifies a template to be applied to this report. Report templates provide control over the results of a row from your SQL query. You can choose from a number of default templates, or pick a custom build template.

Pagination Scheme

Specifies a pagination scheme for this report.

Pagination provides the user with information about the number of rows and the current position within the result set. Pagination also defines the style of links or buttons used to navigate to the next or previous page.

For more information, see the Help for this item.

Display Position

Defines where pagination displays.

If you choose to display pagination above a report, the selected report template needs to support that type of display.

Number of Rows

Defines the maximum number of rows to display on each page.

Strip HTML

Specifies whether or not to remove HTML tags from the original column values for HTML expressions and column links.

If you select values from the database that already contain HTML tags, then those tags can cause conflicts with the HTML generated for your columns links or HTML expressions. When this option is enabled, only the actual data portion of your column value is used.

Including Pagination After the Rows in a Report

To include pagination after the rows in a report:

  1. Create a report. See "Creating a Report Using a Wizard".

    Next, select the appropriate Layout and Pagination attributes.

  2. Navigate to the Report Attributes page:

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition.

    2. Under Regions, click the appropriate report attributes link (Report or RPT).

      The Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Under Layout and Pagination, select the following:

    1. Report Template - Select a report template (optional).

    2. Pagination Scheme - Select a pagination scheme.

    3. Display Position - Select a display position.

    4. Number of Rows - Specify how many rows display on each page.

    5. Click Apply Changes.

  4. Edit the report template:

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition.

    2. Under Templates, select the report template name.

    3. Include the #PAGINATION# substitution string in the After Rows attribute.

    4. Click Apply Changes.

  5. Run the page.

Including Pagination Before the Rows in a Report

To include pagination before the rows in a report:

  1. Create a report. See "Creating a Report Using a Wizard".

    Next, select the appropriate Layout and Pagination attributes.

  2. Navigate to the Report Attributes page:

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition.

    2. Under Regions, click the appropriate report attributes link (Report or RPT).

      The Report Attributes page appears.

  3. Under Layout and Pagination:

    1. Report Template - Select a report template (optional).

    2. Pagination Scheme - Select a pagination scheme.

    3. Display Position - Select a position that contains the word top.

    4. Number of Rows - Specify how many rows display on each page.

    5. Click Apply Changes.

  4. Edit the report template.

    1. Navigate to the Page Definition.

    2. Under Templates, select the report template name.

    3. Include the #TOP_PAGINATION# substitution string in the Before Rows attribute.

    4. Click Apply Changes.

  5. Run the page.