Adding a List to a Page


Once you create a list, the next step is to add it a page by creating a region and specifying the region type as List.

See Also:

"Creating a New Template" and "List Templates" for information about altering list display

To add a list to a page:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Page Definition:

    1. Navigate to the Database Home Page.

    2. Click the Application Builder icon.

    3. Select an application.

    4. Select a page.

      The Page Definition appears.

  2. Under Regions, click the Create icon.

  3. Select List as the region type.

  4. Specify the following display attributes:

    • Title - Enter a title for the region. This title will display if the region template you choose displays the region title.

    • Region Template - Choose a template to control the look of the region.

    • Display Point - Identify a display point for this region.

      Two types of display points exist: page template positions and page body positions. Page template positions are controlled by page template substitution strings (#REGION_POSITION_01#..#REGION_POSITION_08#). Page template positions allow for exact placement of a region within a page template. Page body positions are displayed where the #BODY# substitution string in the page template indicates.

    • Sequence - Specify the sequence for this component. The sequence determines the order of evaluation.

    • Column - Indicate the column in which this region is to be displayed. A page can have multiple regions, these regions can be displayed in different columns. Please note that this attribute only applies to regions that are displayed in a Page Template Body position.

  5. From List, select the list you want to add.

  6. Click Create List Region.

Repeat these procedures for each page on which you would like to add a list.